Tips when to fire your cleaning lady

At first, having a cleaning lady feels like a wonderful luxury. Dust and smudged fingerprints vanish, and all of a sudden, everything is in its proper location. You lose yourself in the orderly pattern of recently vacuumed lines on your carpet, and for the first time in a very long time, you can see your reflection in the dining room table. You straighten up in anticipation of her arrival, hoping that the initial amazing feeling will return time and time again. 
      However, after a few weeks or months, things begin to alter gradually. You detect a distinction. It may seem like your cleaning woman isn't doing the job anymore if you can't recall where she stashed your dependable planner or if you can weave anything out of the cobwebs hanging from your chandelier.
1.	She does the cleaning less and less. 
When you first hired her, she stayed for hours and spent the time cleaning the windows, oven, and refrigerator—tasks that nobody likes to perform. The sticky puddle of pancake syrup is still on your tabletop after she and her supplies have actually left you in the dust, and over time you start to notice she's skipping those chores and no longer changing the bedding.
2.	 Her schedule is one she creates.
 She is scheduled to show up at 3 p.m. You've actually planned your entire day around her schedule. She arrives at your home at 8 a.m. with a mop in hand right before you leave to drive the kids to school. Or perhaps you were hosting your book club and left your door unlocked all day in the hopes that your friends wouldn't see how you truly live. However, she never showed up.
3.	Under the pretense of cleaning, she is concealing your possessions. 
Your home may appear to be clean and orderly, yet nothing is in sight. Have you ever accused your husband and children of misplacing those library books only to discover them buried in someone else's underwear drawer months later? If so, it's likely time for a breakup.
4.	 More things are being destroyed by her than your toddler. 
Accidents happen; we all experience them, but regularly finding picture frames that are shattered and clothing that has bleach stains all over it is reason enough to kick her out.

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